Le Ultrablast Ultramega, KBGA 89.9. We actually don't speak French. But faking it is fun.
Voila, nos playlist de 4/26/12.
Hazelwood, Lee “If It's Monday Morning” from The LHI Years (Light In The Attic 2012)
Vaz “Clone Theory” from Chartreuse Bull CD ALBUM (Sleeping Giant Glossolalia 2011)
Noxagt “The Hebbex” from Iron Point (Load Records 2004)Buy it!
Vaz “Clone Theory” from Chartreuse Bull CD ALBUM (Sleeping Giant Glossolalia 2011)
Helms Alee “Rogue's Yarn” from Night Terror MP3 ALBUM (Hydra Head Records 2009)
Harvey Milk “Probolkoc” from Harvey Milk (Hydra Head 1994)
Harvey Milk “Smile” from Harvey Milk (Hydra Head 1994)
Metal Urbain “Panic” from Anarchy In Paris! (Accute Records 2003)
Wrangler Brutes “Constantly Pregnant” from Double 8" (Clarence Thomas Records)
The Men “Lotus” from Leave Home CD ALBUM (Sacred Bones 2011)
Nudity “The Nighfeeders” from Nightfeeders 12" (Discourage)
Skitkids “Ackliga Javlar” from Split 7" w. Nightmare (Hate Records 2007)